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1 Comment
Joe M
28/9/2021 08:26:32 pm
"There is nothing wrong with hiring people based on merit. In fact, it is generally the right thing to do. If I need a plumber to fix my toilet or a dentist to repair my tooth, I try to find the best person for the job" (p. 33). And—to take the other side of the equation—there is nothing wrong with individuals feeling entitled to reward when they do what has merit. That is an entirely appropriate reaction. If the plumber does a "good" job with my toilet (objectively, or in my opinion?—not sure), or the dentist with my tooth, then they are entitled not only to the agreed payment but also to some pride in their work. But if there is nothing wrong with /my/ choosing the best plumber for my toilet, nor with /your/ hiring the best dentist for your tooth, nor with anyone else's choosing the best person for the job that they want done, then how can there be anything wrong with whole /society's/ operating on this basis?
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September 2021